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Electric Fires

Electric fires and fireplaces originated in 1912, later became popular in the 195os, then in 1981 flame effects came to the forefront, from this point electric fires and fireplaces have evolved and are now the most popular heating accessory in homes throughout the Uk.
Modern Designs
Manufactures both from the UK and Europe have developed beautiful designs and highly technical fires with massive advancements, electric fires are now available with many options including many landscape designs with one two and three-sided windows for unlimited views of the dynamic flame pictures from different aspects of your living space. More recently the latest fires to reach the marketplace have lighting under the fuel beds and a wide choice of colors both for the flame pictures and advanced lighting options to suit consumers’ moods.
Media Walls
The latest trend in fireplace designs is the Media Wall concept, retail customers and property developers can design a media wall to suit their individual preference generally incorporating a widescreen tv into the wall directly above a modern electric fire, the beauty of a media wall design is the option to conceal all wires, etc giving a much cleaner appearance than in years gone by where unsightly wires could be seen around the tv, this also applies to consoles and sky tv, etc. Joiners or builders generally install media walls for many clients and fit the electric fire at the same time, previously it would have been advisable for a trained fireplace installer to complete an installation on previously popular fireplace designs.
Electric Stoves
For the last 10/15 years, wood-burning stoves have been the must-have heating product in many households, many clients love the overall experience of burning real wood or coal fire but many have now moved to the easy option of an electric fireplace primarily for ease of use where the fire can be controlled from the comfort of an armchair from the sleek remote control. Leading electric fire manufacturers have a range of realistic electric stoves in both modern and traditional designs, heat is available for the colder months but the attractive flame picture can be viewed throughout the summer months without the addition of heat.
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